

Transcript 3:44-6:31

InterviewerWhat is your favorite birthday, not year you were born but event on your birthday.
JenOh, yeah. It’s just hard not to talk about mushrooms. Just kidding…
EmmaLike Chanterelle,
EmmaWhy are you guys laughing about?
JenYeah, what’s so funny? You know, I mean definitely my 25th birthday where my friends surprised me with Christian were holding my birthday cake. I mean I don’t wanna sound like I know that’s like a famous person story but like when I was a kid, my parents would be like it was your birthday yesterday like I didn’t have like parties so my only birthday party stories are after I’m famous so suck my dick.
InterviewerEmma! What is your favorite Halloween costume?
EmmaI went as Morticia (Addams) when I was a kid and I got to do those press-on long nails and I had the long wig and all the make-up and I felt incredible. I was 6 years old. I was like….
JenOh, nice. My mother wouldn’t have let me wear those. She would’ve said they would conjure the devil.
JenI was a picnic table.
EmmaWhat the hell is going on!? xxxx
JenShe wouldn’t let me be like a witch or anything. I couldn’t be like a witch or a ghost or anything.
EmmaHow were you wearing a picnic table? Oh, it’s a cloth xxx
JenI’ll tell you, it was a plastic cloth that kind of sticks like that and then I cut a hole in it and we pasted it, you know like but the problem was I had a crush on this guy named John, and we’re gonna go, it was going to be my only time I was going to be able to interact with a boy and I was so pumped for Halloween because we were gonna interact and then I put my face in the table cloth and was like, “Hi John. Are you my boyfriend?”
JenWe both had a same stalker and his name was John the orchestra guy.
EmmaJohn the orchestra who text us.
JenWho would like accidentally text us. So Emma and I, we have told this story?
JenWhere? maybe we are just a friends. We might not have told it publicly
EmmaYou told it publicly because people started coming up to me like “wait a second”
EmmaIt was really a stalker. He’s just this guy that has a lot of people’s phone numbers and he must have worked for like a studio or something.
JenHe must be like an agent, Yeah, or assistant or something.
EmmaAnd he texted me and he says “Hey, hey, Alex ” xxx “I’m running late. I’m on my way to the sound stage. Can you warm up my orchestra for me?”
JenWarmed up, make sure the orchestra warmed up for me. It was all about warming up the orchestra.
EmmaCan you text me back. Let me know if you got this. John. So we are like..
JenSo we had been texting blah blah blah. We texted like every day for a year But we never talked to a phone and we had never met so then we were finally gonna meet, she sends me her address and I drive over and on the way over and like, oh my god, what if this is John orchestra guy.
EmmaWe had never spoken on the phone. We had just trusted it was….
JenAnd then she thought, I was on my way over, she was like “Oh my god, what if it’s John the orchestra guy” So then I called you and you’re like “Hello? hello?”
JenAnyway, that was the first thing we had in common.
EmmaGod. This is so, we’ve all been there, right?
  • Shiitake = 日本のきのこの椎茸(しいたけ)。発音がシュターキって感じなので注意。正しい発音はここで確認。
  • suck my dick = 意味がわからなければネットで検索(笑)。
  • Morticia Addams = アダムスファミリーに出てくるキャラクター。
  • had a crush on = crushは動詞だと押しつぶすという意味なのだが、名詞になると押し潰されるくらいに大好きな気持ちとなって、つき合う前の誰かを大好きな気持ちとなる。良く出てくる単語。同窓会でI had a big crush on youと誰かに言ってみよう(笑)。
  • what if this is John orchestra guy = what ifは「もし〜だったら?」と少し悪いことを想像する時の表現。もしJohn orchestra guyだったらどうしよう〜という感じ。
  • We’ve all been there = みんな一度は通る道(出来事)という決まり文句だが、ここでの二人のカメのエピソードはあまりない話なので、ちょっとしたジョーク。



Jenは女優として有名になる前は誕生日会をやってもらったことがなかったと言っていますが、我々のアメリカのイメージはこういう節目でよくパーティーをするというものなので意外ですね。だからこそ、親に誕生日パーティーをしてもらえないと余計にショックなのかもしれません。なのでsuck my dickなわけですね。Jenにdickはないですけど(笑)。

このsuck my dickですが、ちょっと聴き取りづらくて確信が持てません。ただ、自動字幕だとsuck dickとなっているので、音的にはmyをつけると近い感じがします。インタビュアーやEmmaの反応を見ていると相当にヤバいことを言ってそうですし、Jenならキャラ的に言いそうなので多分合っているかなと思います。

John orchestra guyの話は微妙ですね(笑)。この男は一体何のために一年もの間この二人とやり取りしていたのでしょうか。実際に会おうとしていたなら話はわかるのですが。。。

