







Taylor Swift’s Deepest Fear




一つは海の中にいるウニで、海の中で知らずに踏みつけると大変なことになるとテイラーは恐れています。ウニは英語でSea urchinで、発音はスィー・アーチンって感じです。ネイティブの発音はここで確認してください。

sea urchin on Cambridge dictionary

テイラーは海の中のウニはgrenade(手榴弾)みたいなものと言っていますが、手榴弾というよりは地雷(mineまたはland mine)の方が近いですね。その辺は兵器や武器に関心がないであろう女性ですから、ネイティブでもそういう間違えはあると思います。

テイラーはウニが刺さると手や足を失うと恐れていますが、エレンは刺されると単に腫れて赤くなる(Swell and redness)だけといい、意見が食い違います。

エレンが、ウニで手足を失うことなんてないわよ、と言うと、テイラーは、絶対に透き通った綺麗な海には入らないからそうね、と言います。するとすかさずエレンは、濁った海(murky water)にしか入らないの?と冗談を言います。

もう一つのテイラーの恐怖は、何かの犯罪の汚名を着せられる(be framed)ことだそうです。テイラーは、自分は猫と家にいるだけなのに勝手に記事がでっち上げられて、行ったこともない土地に家を買うことになっていたり、会ったこともない男とデートしていることになっていたりすると、マスコミが勝手に記事を作ることを恐れています。


このでっち上げがもう一歩進んで(step further)最悪の悪夢(nightmare)になれば、知らないうちに殺人犯(framed for murder)にでっち上げられる、とテイラーは恐れています。すかさずエレンは、それは一歩(step)じゃなくて飛躍(leap)よ、と指摘して笑いを取ります。







Taylor Swift’s Deepest Fear


00:00Let’s talk about your fear of sea urchins.
00:02Don’t even, sea urchins.
00:04No come on.
00:05You’re actually serious about this.
00:07They’re like a grenade.
00:08They’re like– they’re sitting there waiting to completely
00:12injure you to the point where–
00:14OK so you step– you can’t see a sea urchin.
00:17OK, like, if you’re in the Caribbean.
00:19You’re like, this water’s so beautiful, it’s amazing.
00:22And you’re walking, it’s clear water.
00:24You can’t see a sea urchin’s right there.
00:26And then you step on one.
00:27And then it has barbs and it goes into whatever it touches.
00:32And then you have to go to the emergency room.
00:33And it has to be surgically removed.
00:35You could lose your foot, you could lose your hand.
00:38You could lose your hand trying to get it off of your foot.
00:44I don’t like sea urchins.
00:45Listen, let me tell you something about sea urchins.
00:50They can puncture and injure you and cause swelling and redness.
00:55Does that sound like stuff that you want?
00:59But that’s not what you just– you just described
01:01losing your hand and your foot.
01:04You could lose your hand and your foot
01:06from swelling and redness.
01:08It’s a living thing that would be stuck in you like a knife.
01:12It’s not living and it’s the spine.
01:13And a lot of people–
01:15it’s not going to happen to you, number one.
01:17Yeah, because I don’t want to go near clear water.
01:19Yeah, just murky water.
01:23OK, let’s talk about another irrational fear of yours.
01:26You’re scared of getting arrested.
01:30I’m scared of getting framed.
01:35OK, now you’ve gone one step beyond.
01:38Who would frame you and for what?
01:41Oh, so many people would frame me.
01:43And they could frame you for any crime
01:49that you could go to jail for.
01:50And look at me.
01:51I wouldn’t survive in jail.
01:54And I think it comes from the fact
01:56that I could open up my phone.
02:00I could look at my phone and see any headline written about me
02:04at any time.
02:05And it could be like the most ridiculously untrue thing.
02:07And so I think the dream and the nightmare of being framed
02:11comes from, like, I could do nothing wrong.
02:15I could sit in my house with the cats all day.
02:17And somehow there could be an article
02:19about, like, me buying a house in a place I’ve never been
02:22or dating a guy I’ve never met.
02:24So it’s like– but then you take it a step further.
02:27In a nightmare world it’s being framed for murder.
02:31I don’t think that’s a step.
02:32That’s a leap.
02:34But anyway, I think you’re fine.
02:35And I think you’d even have fans in prison.
02:37And they would take care of you.
02:39And they would all love you and you’d be OK.

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